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Chatons savannah , serval et caracal

2021-11-08 07:35   Animaux et animaux de compagnie   Montréal   1K vues
Localité: Montréal
Prix: $2,500

Passionate and overflowing with love for animals, the Royalcatterynursery cattery is happy to announce the birth of 9 savannah, serval and caracal kittens. Breeding declared in chamber of agriculture -
we have experience and a high selection specializing in purebred serval, savannah and caracal high-end cats. Breeding recognized internationally. Prestigious origins. Registered with the TICA, the kittens will be microchipped- vaccinated- wormed with certificate of good health, not sterilized therefore for repro or companionship, free to each. They will be of Expo quality and will wear the parents' dress.
You can check us out by typing "royalcatterynursery" social network and website.

They are FIV / FELV tested and above all they are fully controlled for all diseases: HCM, PKD, PK-Def ..

Our kittens are raised in families (neither cage nor box) and are socialized which will make them very balanced kittens.
A deposit of 30% will be required for all reservations and we offer you the possibility of paying in several installments.