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Private massage for men and women 1 hour/$100

2023-11-05 15:22   Services   Montréal   390 vues
Localité: Montréal
Prix: $150

Hello everyone ,

I am a certified massage therapist. I offer you a relaxation massage (California, Swedish and lomi lomi) at my home in downtown Mtl near the McGill metro station and Place Des Arts in a clean, calm, zen environment with professional table. Insurance receipt, Shower and Parking available

1h/ $100 and 1h30/ $150 +tax.

Payment accepted: cash, interac transfer, credit and bank card, ApplePay

Schedule weekdays from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. and weekends from 12 p.m. to 7 p.m. by appointment only

438 921-2139 Additional information and appointments by text only